Planning Meeting! Wednesday 5th March, PTO office!
If you are interested in getting involved in the planning stages please reach out to the PTO! We would love some fresh new ideas! Summer Fayre will be held on Thursday 12th June.
Planning Meeting! Wednesday 5th March, PTO office!
If you are interested in getting involved in the planning stages please reach out to the PTO! We would love some fresh new ideas! Summer Fayre will be held on Thursday 12th June.
Are you able to help with Grease Concessions this week? (Thursday 30th January. Friday 31st January, Saturday 1st February) We are looking for help before the performances and during intermissions. Please check your parent chat groups for the SignUp Genius! Thank you for any help!
Come and join us for our Monthly Coffee Morning on Friday 10th January in the BOMA at 8.30am! Coffee and tea will be provided! Great way to meet other parents and catch up with friends!